Dallas Photographer Gives a Pregnant Pause to Take a Photograph

From actresses gracing the covers of magazines sporting nothing but their tattoos and belly, to non-celebrity people wanting to commemorate the most joyous time in their lives, pregnancy photography has gone from a hot trend to a common rite of passage. The poses, the clothing, and the setting are individual, but the goal is the same: within that beautiful bulging tummy is a new life growing and preparing to emerge into our world. Is there anything more deserving of being captured in a photograph? Dallas photographer, Doug Davis, will talk more about pregnancy photography.

It Goes By So Fast

If you are just embarking on the journey into parenthood, you’re likely to hear words of wisdom from more seasoned parents. One of the most oft given pieces of advice is along the lines of “enjoy it; it goes by so fast.” In reality, any parent can relate to the real truth that in the early days of parenthood, the days go slow, but the years go fast. Once your baby comes along, everything you have on your to-do list is going to be pushed back for diaper changes, late night feedings, and walking the halls to try and calm a colicky little one that just won’t stop crying. You may find yourself thinking back to when you were pregnant, and how you just couldn’t wait for the moment you’re in. And you may find yourself regretting that you didn’t enjoy the prior time more.

Jarring the Memories through Images

Your pregnancy memories will stick with you, but some of the details will fleet as you add more experiences. Parenthood is busy, vast, and exciting. There is much to take your focus away. But there will be times when you want to remember what it felt like when that little bun was still in the oven. A photograph of your baby bump will be able to jar those memories out of the back of your mind and into the forefront.

Pregnancy Photography from Dallas Photographer

If you are pregnant and would like to consult with a professional photographer, your Dallas photographer would love to hear from you. D-Squared Studios is located at 4312 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas 75226. You can reach our office by calling (214)746-6336, or email doug.davis@d2studios.net. We will be happy to consult with you regarding any of your commercial photography needs.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
