Does Your Website Need Video? 3 Essential Questions to Ask

Over the past few years, video has become a pillar of many successful online marketing strategies. It seems like everyone from start-ups to huge corporations are incorporating video content into their websites and social media efforts. While the research says that video is a smart way to boost your marketing efforts, some serious thinking and planning needs to happen before you invest the time and money into producing a video for marketing. Today, Dallas video producer Doug Davis discusses three essential questions you need to ask when considering adding video to your marketing strategy.

1. What Kind of Content Do You Need?

Basically, you and your marketing team need to figure out what questions or needs your customers (and potential customers) might have and strive to answer them. Your video content needs to have helpful, meaningful, or pertinent information conveyed in a clear way that stylistically underscores your existing brand.

Example: Let’s say you own an artisan cheese company. On your website, in your print collateral, and on your blog you discuss your ingredients, you profile the dairy where you get your milk, you show your cheese making process, and let us get to know the cheese makers. You might consider a video that highlights ways your customers can use your cheese in recipes, since your customers are likely to want this information and you haven’t already covered it, this is a great opportunity for making a video.

2. Is Video the Best Way to Present this Content?

Some information, like the “how to use artisanal cheese” in the above example is perfect for video, since demonstrating recipes or cooking techniques are nicely conveyed in a visual medium. Before you move forward with creating video content, you need to consider whether your topic has visual potential.

3. Am I Equipped to Make this Video?

Simple videos made on programs such as iMovie or Windows Moviemaker might be a good video marketing solution for start-ups and small businesses, especially if they have someone of staff who has experience in a visual medium. However, if your message is more complex, requires multiple locations or effects, in depth editing, or if you simply need a more polished, professional video product, you should consider working with a professional videographer.

About Doug Davis and D-Squared Studios

Doug Davis has been producing professional, engaging videos and product, food, and lifestyle photography from his Dallas studio for over 20 years. We’d love to discuss how video can play a vital role in your dynamic marketing strategy. D-Squared Studios is located at 4312 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas 75226. Contact our office at (214)746-6336 or doug.davis@d2studios.net to schedule a consultation.
