Quiz: When to Hire a Professional Photographer

Many goals, projects and milestones in our lives call for photography or videography, be it to promote a new business venture, share a charity project, or memorialize a personal family moment. Our world is moved by visuals: We share our everyday lives on social media, sell our products online with product photos, send out family holiday cards, and are persuaded to buy that new item after watching a compelling commercial. When can you settle for do-it-yourself photos and when is it best to hire a Dallas photographer to execute the vision? Review our quiz below.

Quiz: To DIY or Go Pro? When to Hire a Photographer

Q: You want to improve your e-commerce website with new product photos.

A: Go Pro! A professional photographer knows exactly how to make your product photography stand out for a more professional and polished presentation that drives sales and creates new business for your brand.

Q: You’ve started a personal blog and want it to gain attention with great photos.

A: DIY — If you’re just starting a new personal blog, you can save on resources and learn a new hobby by taking the photos yourself. Consult a professional for guidance if your site gains momentum and an audience.

Q: Your charity foundation wants to create a video to promote their latest fundraising drive and reach new goals.

A: Go Pro! Anytime you’re aiming to create a video or short film with the mission to serve your business or organization, it’s optimal to consult a videography professional for best results. A pro director will have the technical skills and vision to make your video compelling and captivating.

Q: You’re a publisher who needs great photos to accompany food and restaurant articles.

A: Go Pro! Want beautiful food pictures that leave your readers’ mouths watering? Hire a professional. Food photography is a nuanced skill best reserved for professional photographers with experience.

About Your Dallas Professional Photographer:

Doug Davis has been producing professional, engaging videos and product, food, and lifestyle photography from his Dallas photography studio for over 20 years. We’d love to discuss how video can play a vital role in your dynamic marketing strategy. D-Squared Studios is located at 4312 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas 75226. Contact our office at (214) 746-6336 or doug.davis@d2studios.net to schedule a consultation.
