Fresh Ideas For Autumn Photos

Shorter days and cooler temperatures tell us fall has arrived. Autumn presents many varied opportunities for taking photos of friends and loved ones. October, November, and December include holidays that are festive, sentimental, traditional, and religious. If you are comfortable using your cell phone or a digital camera, you can find charming photo ops throughout the fall. A professional lifestyle photographer can portray the hearts of family members as they gather for special holiday events.

Pumpkin Fun at Halloween

A traditional Halloween photo probably features a goblin or princess smiling for the camera. A lifestyle photographer can help think outside the treat-or-treat moment, and capture silly smiles while carving a pumpkin, or visiting a pumpkin patch. Think about one-of-a-kind photos taken while face makeup is being applied to a little pirate, or when a superhero is donning his or her cape.

Thanksgiving Moments, Large and Small

Great Thanksgiving dinners often start on Wednesday and extend through the weekend. Photograph the master baker assembling the pumpkins pies. Take pictures of the family walk after a big meal, or the game of catch at football half time. Look for a joyous hug when picking up an aunt or uncle at the airport, or when a grandparent steps from a car.

Take Advantage of Natural Settings

The more comfortable temperatures of fall support outdoor photo opportunities. You can take advantage of crisp blue skies, and the beautiful colors of fall leaves. Rather than deal with sweaty brows, a lifestyle photographer can catch rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. Look for hiking trails, picnic areas and botanic gardens to give outdoor photographs a lovely setting. Think about including beloved pets in an outdoor setting, if it seems appropriate.


Doug Davis has been producing professional, engaging videos and product, food, and lifestyle photography from his Dallas, TX, studio for more than 20 years. D-Squared Studios is located at 4312 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas, 75226. Contact our office at (214) 746-6336 or email Doug at doug.davis@d2studios.net.
