Education Requirements for a Professional Photographer

You may think that professional photographers are mostly self-taught, but the truth is there is a lot of education behind a professional. That’s why it is always wise to hire a professional photographer rather than an amateur, or your best friend (unless he or she is a professional, of course!).  As with any other business person you might need to hire, you are paying for their expertise, skills, education, and experience.  Below are some of the skills and educational requirements a professional photographer possesses.


A professional photographer captures images using specialized cameras and equipment. Not only do they capture the image, they’re often responsible for editing them, as well, using specialized software. While many professional photographers are self-employed, photographers can also work in a number of different industries.

The extent of education required for a career in photography depends upon the unique goals of the individual. Some photographers can be successful with good technical skills, knowledge of photography equipment, and some vocational training. There are also associate’s degrees. However, for a more comprehensive education, more career options, and the opportunity for advancement, a Bachelor of Arts in Photography is recommended. A bachelor’s degree offers courses that an associate’s degree or vocational training do not, such as:

  • Art
  • Business
  • Marketing
  • A polished portfolio
  • And more


In addition to education, choosing a photography specialization while in school helps photographers hone their skills, experience, and develop unique photography techniques. Some specialization options include:

News photographer/photojournalist: This involves taking pictures of newsworthy events for newspapers, magazines, or news casts.

Fine arts photographer: Fine arts photographers take and sell photographs as art.

Commercial photographer: Takes pictures in various media formats.

Scientific photographer: Takes photographs of, and/or used for, scientific procedures.


Doug Davis has been producing professional, engaging videos and product, food, and lifestyle photography from his Dallas, TX, studio for more than 20 years. D-Squared Studios is located at 4312 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas, 75226. Contact our office at (214) 746-6336 or email Doug at doug.davis@d2studios.net.
