Photography Is a Sales Pitch for Your Blog

Blogging is all around us (and right in front of us at the moment). The advent of the blog has been part of the information boom that has accompanied the Internet. Now, not only can you find pretty much any fact you want to know, but you can get opinions, perspectives, and tips from professionals across the globe. If you want to know how something works or the best way to get something done, a blog is waiting to inform you. As the writer of a blog, you want as many people to see your work as possible. There’s no sense it putting time and effort into your blog if no one ends up reading it. That’s why you need high-quality images to go along with your words. Photography is essentially a sales pitch for your blog.

Readers See an Image Alongside a Headline

Every blogger knows that gaining traffic for your work is about more than just the words you write. Of course you’d like to attract readers based on the merit of your copy alone. However, you’ve got to be conscious of search engine optimization to reap rewards from your prose. A high-quality image goes a long way toward boosting your chances at accruing traffic. Photography helps, not just from a numbers perspective, but it’s also something prospective readers will see on a preview.

Pitch Your Great Content with the Help of Great Photography

Most article previews now include some sort of thumbnail or image to help indicate what the piece will be about. Consider the photo that accompanies your blog as your sales pitch. Give readers the best impression of what they can expect from your work by pairing your article preview and headline with a high-quality photo.

Need a Professional Photographer to Set Your Blog Apart?

Doug Davis is your Dallas-area professional photographer. In his more than 20 years of experience, Doug has done some amazing work shooting all kinds of subjects for all kinds of clients. If you need lifestyle, food, fashion, or creative design photography to help your blog put its best foot forward, Doug Davis is your guy. To contact Doug about a photography session, call D-Squared Studios in Dallas, TX at 214-746-6336.
