Creative Design Photography: True Expression

Photography is an old visual medium relative to the likes of video and 3D animation (obviously painting has a few years on photography). Photography at its essence is a tool that can be used to capture a moment and an emotion. However, too often photography is thought of as “point and shoot.” Everyone today uses photos and their phones to capture what is happening all around them at any given moment. You can use photography to this end, but it’s not a limitation. Creative design photography is a sub-discipline that combines elements of visual design and staging with still photography. Utilizing creative design photography gives you a chance to truly express yourself.

Creative Design Can Result in Photography with a Message

Every piece of art has a message. The value of that message often determines the value of the art. Creative design photography allows you craft a message in a way that simple pointing and shooting at a subject may not. If you wanted to illustrate which political candidates had accepted the largest amount of donation money, you may craft a portrait of those subjects out of dollar bills. If you see the world through a culinary lens, you may craft a landscape portrait using ornately prepared food items. Artistic expression isn’t limited to what happens to pop into frame.

Creative Design Photography Is Beholden Only to Your Imagination

That’s a rather artsy sentiment, but it’s true! That’s the immense value of creative design photography. You can bring any idea or visual to life with this medium. Plus, when your imagination fails you for just the right note, you can rely on an photographer for creative design help.

Doug Davis Is the Dallas Choice for Creative Design Photography

Doug has a wealth of experience (20-plus years!) with professional photography. He has worked with clients large and small to help express their message. Doug particularly enjoys creative design photography. This Dallas-area photographer can help you express yourself precisely as you mean to using this versatile medium. For booking information, contact D-Squared Studios in Dallas, TX at 214-746-6336.
