Do You Love Your Product Photography?

This is a pretty straightforward question that you can forget to ask yourself. Do you love your product photography? Your product photography is your product or service’s introduction to consumers. It should jump of the page/screen/brochure. If looking at your own product photography doesn’t get you excited about your business, maybe it’s time for a fresh start.

Quality product photography is an arena that often requires the help of a professional. While there are plenty of scenarios where taking your own product photography can work (i.e. social media content), content with staying power — say the header photo on your website — is best executed by a professional photographer. Don’t forget, this is your chance to make a great first impression.

Evaluate Your Product Photography as if You Were a New Customer

It’s important to be able to view your business as a potential client or consumer. You can even recruit your friends or people who are less familiar with your business for a different perspective. Does your product photography tell an accurate story about your business? Does it make you (as an outsider) excited about working with the product or service? If your product photography could better explain your business, or make a better impression, it’s time for an update.

Even If You Loved Your Product Photography, it May be Time for an Update

You may have awesome product photography that made your business look fantastic five years ago, but is this photography an accurate reflection of your current business? Does your photography date itself? These are important things to consider as you evaluate your current stock of product photography. If you’ve added a new dimension to your business, or the look and feel of your business has changed, your product photography needs to change too. When you stay on top of your company’s media, you create a strong, accurate digital presence.

Talk to D-Squared Studios About Product Photography

When you decide to update your product photography, you want to work with a trusted professional. Doug Davis and the D-Squared Studios crew are your go-to team for quality product photography. Doug has over 20 years of experiencing working with a variety of clients to help them show off what makes their businesses so exceptional. To book Doug Davis, contact D-Squared Studios in Dallas, TX at 214-746-6336.
