Focus on Photography Composition

The world of digital media is a fascinating place. It’s easier than it has ever been to take a camera, capture photos and video, and edit those pieces of content quickly. Even phone cameras have capabilities far beyond what stand-alone digital cameras could do a few years back. However, when you dive into this world, it can be easy to rack up a large bill rather quickly too. Professional photographers use all kinds of elaborate gear: stands, lights, radio signals, diffusion. This tools can add a lot to your production, but it’s a big undertaking for recreational photographers. With the progress and power of contemporary cameras, you can achieve a high quality look without the use of extra gear. That’s why focusing on your photography composition is so important.

Photography Composition is the Sum of the Elements in Frame and How They Are Arranged

Modern cameras have great sensors, and allow for easy editing, but they aren’t robots. The most important thing that you can control as the photographer, is the composition of your frame. The way your subject fills the frame makes a statement. Is there a pop of color in the background? How deep is the field of view? These are the artistic elements and choices that you can make as a photographer that will separate your work. Utilize principles like depth of field and the rule of thirds to create stunning images.

Start with Your Camera; You Can Build Your Gear Arsenal Over Time

A quality camera can do much of the work for you. By investing in your camera, you give yourself wiggle room in all of the other areas. Lenses are expensive, so you can save up for them over time. The same goes for lighting gear and stands. These extra pieces of gear are great, but without a high-quality camera, they don’t go as far as you’d like. Develop an eye for composition using the right camera, and the rest of the gadgets will make their way into your arsenal eventually.

Are You Looking for Professional Photography Services?

Doug Davis is a talented Dallas-area photographer. Doug has tons of experience helping big brands and individuals alike. You can trust Doug for creative design photography, food photography, product photography, portrait photography, and more. To work with a photographer who’s got over 20 years of experience, contact D-Squared Studios in Dallas, TX at 214-746-6336 today.
