Categories: Director

Are You Lacking Creative Direction?

As a small business owner, you’re asked to wear a lot of hats. At times, it can feel like anything you don’t take care of personally just won’t get done at all. You need help to keep your business running strong! You may have a great idea of what your product is and how it can help consumers. However, do you have the marketing materials to back it up? If you’re lacking cohesive, creative direction for your company’s marketing, it’s time to work with an expert. A creative director can establish a vision for you and your brand.

Creative Direction Offers a Singular Voice and Style

Branding is all about consistency. If you outsource marketing materials to a variety of sources, you’re going to get a variety of results. In order to develop a strong brand, you need to establish a singular style for your marketing materials. Do you position yourself as an expert? Are you a humorous voice within your industry? Making that choice and sticking to it will help people identify your product in a sea of options. Your marketing media (pictures and video) should reenforce this style.

Your Brand’s Creative Direction Is Different from the Creative Direction of Your Product

Working with a professional to establish creative direction for your brand doesn’t mean you’re forfeiting control of your product. If you are the mind behind the service or product that your company sells, you should own it! That’s your world. However, you’ll find life to be much easier when the creative direction of your marketing materials is in the hands of someone else. When you find the right creative partner, they will develop a vision and voice for your brand with you, so you can feel good about the direction of your marketing.

Hone in on Your Brand and its Voice with Doug Davis

Doug Davis is a professional photographer with over 20 years of experience. However, Doug isn’t someone who just points and shoots with a camera. Doug is all about providing creative solutions to help brands and businesses tell their stories. Doug can help you establish a firm creative vision for your company’s marketing materials. That way, you can focus on what you do best as a small business owner. To learn more about Doug’s services, contact D-Squared Studios in Dallas, TX at 214-746-6336.
