What Does Professional Photography Mean To You?

When thinking of professional photography what do you think of? You may think photography is photography. Someone stands in front of you, a scenic view, or any number of things and points and clicks. But that’s not so. There is so much more to taking a professional photograph. Anyone can point and click, and maybe the pictures will come out okay, but maybe not. Not to mention that there are different kinds of photography including product photography, food photography, lifestyle photography, aerial photography, and creative photography to name a few. Today we are discussing creative photography.

What is Creative Design?

Creative design photography is different from traditional photography in the sense that it is not about simply pointing the camera and shooting what is in front of you. Instead, the photographer develops a concept often using other materials and then provides a series of photographs for the client. It is a form of visual communication that combines art and photography. It is a unique and creative form of photography, hence the name creative design.

How It’s Done

It begins with an idea generated by the client. It can be for an advertisement, to spice up editorial content, magazine articles, a food campaign, personal use, and more. To execute the idea the creative design photographer will use their skill set to create a diorama, a model, a sculpture, or some other unique work of art to visualize the idea then capture it on film. Not only do they have to possess the creativity and skills to create the physical form, but they also require the skill set of a professional photographer to provide clear, crisp, attractive, and professional photos. Creative design is one of Doug’s favorite forms of photography, so if you’re looking for a creative design photographer, give Doug Davis a call.


Doug Davis has been producing professional, engaging videos and product, food, and lifestyle photography from his Dallas, TX, studio for more than 20 years. D-Squared Studios is located at 4312 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas, 75226. Contact our office at (214) 746-6336 or email Doug at doug.davis@d2studios.net.
