Invest in Professional Photography for Your Website, Not Social Media

If you’re on top of your marketing game, your company probably presents itself on a variety of platforms. You may have a website, a Facebook page, an Instagram account, and printed materials to help brand your business. What do these media all have in common? They all need attention-grabbing visuals to hook potential customers. However, not all visuals are created equal — that is to say, not every branding image needs to be of the same quality. So, how you do decide when you can take a picture yourself, and when the services of a professional photographer are appropriate?

Who Should Take the Picture?

When it comes to populating social media channels, you need a steady stream of images and videos. Posting consistently is key for building your audience, but it also creates a huge demand for visuals. These ephemeral images don’t need the same staying power as the content on your website, so you can probably afford to produce them in-house.

You want your social media posts to fit in with the rest of the content on those platforms, however, having your website blend in is the last thing you want. You need your webpage to stand out! Your website will ideally hold a user’s focus for much longer than a Facebook page. You don’t want a potential customer to scroll or swipe past your company’s offerings after a few seconds! That’s why professional photography for your business’s website is a must.

Professional Photography for Your Website Is a Worthy Investment

Photos on the homepage of your website serve as an introduction to prospective customers. Whether it’s photos of your team members, products, or facilities, professional photography services will ensure that your company puts its best foot forward. Unlike social media photos, the value of these high quality images increases every time a new person visits your site because you’ve made another strong impression with the same photo.

Presenting a positive image has become just as important as actually providing a good product. Your clientele will never appreciate your competitive pricing or phenomenal customer service if you can’t get them in the door, so to speak.

Deciding on Professional Photography Services for Your Website?

Invest in your website by hiring a professional photographer. Need professional website photography services? Contact Doug Davis in Dallas, TX by phone at (214) 746-6336; or email Doug at doug.davis@d2studios.net.
