What Can Video Marketing Do for Your Website?

In addition to custom, professional creative photography, Dallas professional photographer, Doug Davis, also has extensive experience creating highly-engaging and original videos for businesses and individuals alike. While adding a picture to your web content can make the written words seem more interesting, the picture alone can’t convey the message you intend. By adding customized video marketing to your site, however, you can combine the immediate appeal of a video with the substance of your company’s message.

Benefits of Video Marketing

Videos are more engaging

Every few months, more technology arrives that makes it easier for people to view videos on their cellphones and personal devices. When searching for information, or trying to learn about your company, more people may be willing to watch a short video than read an entire website page.

Videos are highly searchable

Because of their popularity, online videos are now highly-regarded by search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. If your company’s website contains several pertinent videos, then they’ll be as likely, or more so, to show up in search results lists.

Videos can deliver more content, more effectively

It should come as no surprise that the content of a video will stand out more prominently to most people than the words of a webpage. Besides the words, the imagery adds importance, necessary nuances, and a higher entertainment value to the point you’re trying to make.

Custom Professional Videos for Your Website

Unlike stock photography, there aren’t many generic videos that you could choose from a large stockpile to enhance your website. Even if there were, it would be more beneficial to your company’s image and credibility to create a custom video designed just for the occasion. To learn how, speak with Doug Davis about custom professional videography today.


Dallas-based professional photographer and videographer, Doug Davis, has worked with a wide range of clients, from American Airlines to the Susan B. Komen Foundation. If you’d like to learn more, or if you need the services of a highly-experienced professional photographer, then contact D-Squared Studios today at (214) 746-6336.
