Rethinking the Family Portrait


Close your eyes and imagine the classic American family portrait. It’s probably got a mom, a dad, some kids, and maybe a pet, all posed stiffly in front of bland studio backdrop. Now take a moment to think about the real families you know and are a part of and they probably don’t resemble that “classic” American family. The face of the American family has always been diverse, but media representations of “family” have been fairly homogenous. In the past few years, advertisements, TV shows, and films have slowly begun to recognize and represent a more inclusive picture of the reality of family life, one that includes stay-at-home dads, same-sex parents, childfree couples, and multiple or blended ethnicities.

It makes sense then that contemporary family portraits should reflect this uniqueness and diversity.  And regardless of what kind of family you call your own, we’ve got a few ideas to keep in mind when planning for your next family portrait.

Should You Go Traditional or Playful?

Your family portrait sends a message about you, so you should consider who might be seeing the portrait and what message it might send. If your portrait will hang exclusively in your home, then by all means go as crazy and creative as you please. However, if you’ll be distributing copies to older relatives or displaying the family portrait in your office, you may want to consider scaling back the kookiness.

Thinking about Clothes

The outfits you choose will also convey a message about your family. While you can’t go wrong with coordinating outfits (everyone in white shirts and blue jeans, for example), sometimes sharply contrasting outfits can add visual interest to a family portrait.

Be Open-Minded and Listen to Your Photographer

A family portrait is a collaboration between you, your family, and your portrait photographer. You should definitely come to the table with ideas, but you should also listen to your photographer’s expert advice when it comes to positioning, clothing, and lighting.

About Your Dallas Professional Photographer:

Doug Davis has been producing professional, engaging videos and product, food, and lifestyle photography from his Dallas photography studio for over 20 years. We’d love to discuss how video can play a vital role in your dynamic marketing strategy. D-Squared Studios is located at 4312 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas 75226. Contact our office at (214)746-6336 or doug.davis@d2studios.net to schedule a consultation.
