Ready to Shoot Some Outdoor Photography?

Beauty is all around you! From sweeping landscapes to meticulously hung Christmas lights, much of the beauty you find is outdoors. There may come a time when you decide you’d like to capture a little bit of that beauty for yourself. That’s when you’ll undertake the at-times-precarious task of shooting some outdoor photography. You’ll want to make sure you’re ready.

When you shoot outdoor photography you’ll follow many of the same basics that you’d use when shooting any style of photography. You’ll always need good framing and light. However, working outdoors means dealing with the elements. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you set out to shoot some outdoor photography.

Take Advantage of Your Light Source

If you’re familiar with three-point lighting, you know you need a key light, fill light, and backlight. Well, when shooting outdoors, the giant star that heats the Earth will most likely be the largest and brightest light source. The sun is really the world’s key light. Taking advantage of this light source saves you from having to provide your own.

However, unlike a light attached to a stand, you can’t manually move the sun. You’ll have to wait until the sun is in a strategic location to shoot your photograph. Near sunrise and just after sunset, you’ll get warmer color pallets and a slightly softer light. When the sun is at its peak in the sky (especially if you live in a brighter place), a lot of colors can become washed out.

Shoot Continuous Photography to Combat Fickle Outdoor Locations

Not every outdoor photo shoot is going to take place in a calm environment or under the perfect conditions. If your subject can’t wait, you’ll have to battle less-than-ideal circumstances to get the shot. This is where shooting on continuous can help. You’ll be able to combat conditions like wind, or moving subjects (animals), by shooting continuously. This gives you a better chance of ending up with a sharp photograph, at the cost of a little more time spent browsing in post.

Would You Like Some Help with Outdoor Photography

If a helpful blog just isn’t enough for you, perhaps you’d like the assistance of a professional for your next outdoor photography shoot. Doug Davis is a talented photographer operating in the Dallas area. Doug has a vast array of experience across different media and styles of photography. Doug can help ensure your next photo project expresses your creative vision. To book a session, contact D-Squared Studios in Dallas, TX at 214-746-6336.

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