Need a New Headshot? Here’s What You Need to Do

Is it time to update your headshot, either for an online profile, an upcoming interview that will be published, or simply your company’s website? If so, don’t settle for a mediocre image of you in front of one of your plain white office walls, taken by a coworker with a smart phone. A professional photographer can help you to truly look your best, and that can be incredibly helpful when it comes to both networking and bringing credibility to your message or brand. Of course, there are also a few things you’ll want to consider before scheduling your headshot.

Choose a Sharp, Simple Outfit

While you might think a professional portrait is the place to really go all out, style-wise, it’s better to keep your look simple, so your clothes don’t overpower you. In photography and videography, busy patterns or overtly bright colors can be particularly distracting.

If you want to express your personal taste and style in your portrait, without it becoming overwhelming, consider a single clothing item in a simple pattern, such as a large-scale plaid print or floral. Also, keep in mind that stripes will make areas look bigger, so only wear them in places you don’t mind accentuating.

Accessories are another great way to add interest. Just limit them to one bold piece like a statement necklace, and simple earrings or a watch.

Hire a Professional Photographer
A professional photographer can also help you look your best by choosing a great, versatile background for your shoot. He or she should also be able to use a camera lens and angles to help flatter you. Whether seated or standing, a skilled photographer will be able to direct your posting to help hide areas you’re not so proud of, and showcase those you like. Expert lighting techniques are also key, especially when looking for a versatile and timeless headshot.

Have Your Hair and Makeup Professionally Done

Finally, for both men and women a trip to the salon can be a great choice on the day of your photoshoot. A little styling can really help your hair look its best. Makeup can also help to bring out your best features, and make sure you are photo ready.

Need a Professional Photographer?

Are you still looking for a professional photographer? Contact Doug Davis in Dallas, TX, today at (214) 746-6336; or email Doug at doug.davis@d2studios.net.
