Videography: A Powerful Part of Nonprofit Marketing Campaigns

One of the greatest challenges faced by nonprofits is the constricting effect of a sluggish economy on charitable giving. As competition for funding and supporters’ donations grows more intense, more and more charities and nonprofits turn to commercial videography in Dallas, TX to deliver their message. A professional digital video campaign attracts prospective advocates, increases your donor base, and creates a sense of community when viewed and shared online. At D-Squared Studios, we create video campaigns that achieve three key things:

Tell Them a Story

As a nonprofit, the heart of your organization isn’t its ability to sell its services, but to spread its message. In general, viewer response to promotion by charities favors authenticity and inspiration over elevator pitches. Emotion, not numbers, will engage viewers. The most important part is that your video tells a story, whether it’s a story about your organization or a story about those who have been helped by your work.


Uplift, Inspire, Inform

When choosing narratives for your campaign, emphasize those that leave your audience feeling passionate, inspired, and interested in your organization, its work, and a supporter’s ability to help. Avoid overtly negative or unresolved stories, as these tend to have an alienating effect on viewers. Despite the gravity and importance of your cause, harsh truths are best reserved for other promotional campaign pieces, such as articles, blogs, and printed marketing materials. Still photography, too, can have an emotional impact.

That’s not to say that statistics aren’t entirely welcome. It is perfectly acceptable and often quite effective to include numbers that clearly demonstrate the relationship between a viewer’s action and its effect on those in need. These could include:

  • How many people benefit from a donation of X dollars
  • How many meals/items can be purchased with X dollars
  • The number of individuals or families that have been helped since the organization was first established
  • The amount of time needed to see the results of a donation

A Story, Not a Saga

Brevity is important in any form of digital media, especially in videography. We will condense the most important details about your organization, its work, and its relationships to the community. In the end, it must answer these questions:

  • Who are you, and what separates you from other organizations?
  • Why should I care about your cause?
  • Are you trustworthy? Why?

If you don’t yet have a clear vision of what the finished product should look like, you needn’t worry. Our experience producing creative direction, commercial videography, and photography for diverse businesses and individuals offers an eclectic view and an understanding of what works and what doesn’t.

You can do great things. To learn more about commercial videography in Dallas-Fort Worth, or to request a meeting with Doug Davis and D-Squared Studios, contact us at 214.746.6336. Our Dallas photography studio offers creative solutions in the form of portraiture, food photography, product photography, and lifestyle photography.
